Wed. March 6, 5:12 p.m. – 5:24 p.m. CST
We aim to expand the range of applications of quantum computers by exploring their potential in investigating effects within cavity quantum electrodynamics (cQED). This includes studying material properties, multi-photon phenomena like superradiance, and systems with strong field-matter interactions. The motivation for developing a quantum computing simulation spans from the fact that experimental studies in cQED are costly, and classical simulations can be challenging.
We are interested in multi-photon and multi-atom setups where physical phenomena such as phase transition in interconnected cavities can be simulated with modest quantum resources. We introduce a boson-to-qubit mapping based on the inverse Holstein-Primakoff transformation which is a promising technique and can be used in other systems driven by a spin-boson, as well as a fermion-boson or a pure boson Hamiltonian.
To conclude the study, we discuss various approaches to time evolution and the effect of the noise when run on real quantum devices.
Presented By
- Maria Tudorovskaya (Quantinuum)
Quantum simulation of a spin-boson Hamiltonian and its performance.
Wed. March 6, 5:12 p.m. – 5:24 p.m. CST
We are interested in multi-photon and multi-atom setups where physical phenomena such as phase transition in interconnected cavities can be simulated with modest quantum resources. We introduce a boson-to-qubit mapping based on the inverse Holstein-Primakoff transformation which is a promising technique and can be used in other systems driven by a spin-boson, as well as a fermion-boson or a pure boson Hamiltonian.
To conclude the study, we discuss various approaches to time evolution and the effect of the noise when run on real quantum devices.
Presented By
- Maria Tudorovskaya (Quantinuum)