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T50: Applications on Noisy Quantum Hardware II


Sponsoring Units: DQIChair: William Morong, University of Maryland, College Park

Thu. March 7, 12:42 p.m. – 1:18 p.m. CST


Quantinuum’s H-series processors are based on the Quantum Charge-Coupled Device (QCCD) architecture for trapped-ion quantum computers. With the first two generations now available to outside users, the systems have been extensively benchmarked at multiple levels and in the context of different applications. In this talk, I will go over the system architecture, the performance levels achieved, and our efforts toward important algorithmic demonstrations. Skepticism of NISQ era quantum advantage is healthy and warranted, but in this talk I will focus on some areas that hold promise to uncover the edge of where quantum computers will first provide computational advantage: random circuit sampling, quantum simulations of strongly correlated systems, and quantum error mitigation techniques.

Presented By

  • David Hayes (Quantinuum)


  • David Hayes (Quantinuum)