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Tutorial or Workshop

GERA Energy Workshop

This workshop from APS Topical Group on Energy Research and Applications (GERA) is for graduate students and early career scientists.

Minneapolis Convention Center
Room 211B



The registration cost to attend this workshop is $25.00 for all.

Who Should Attend?

  • Graduate Students
  • Early Career Attendees

The APS Topical Group on Energy Research and Applications (GERA) is hosting an energy research workshop for graduate students and early career scientists involved in energy research and technology development on Sunday, March 3, 2024, ahead of the APS March Meeting 2024 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

This workshop consists of a series of tutorial overviews by leading experts in the diverse areas of energy research & technology, informal discussions during lunch and coffee breaks, and poster presentations by participants.

Everyone who plans to attend this workshop must register for the APS March Meeting, as well as the GERA Energy Workshop, via the March Meeting website once registration opens in December. Please note that there will be limited space for this event.

More information


APS looks forward to featuring engaging presenters speaking on groundbreaking physics research.

Register now

Regular registration is open through February 20, 2024.

Virtual meeting

A reimagined March Meeting to bring all attendees together.

Travel & hotel

APS looks forward to welcoming the physics community in Minneapolis for the in-person March Meeting.